
According to a recent news story, Colorado is one of the strictest states with respect to laws and insurance premium penalties that affect high-risk drivers. WalletHub has released a study that systematically compared states’ DUI, speeding, and reckless driving laws, along with the state’s average insurance premiums for high-risk drivers. Colorado scored 6th overall in […]

As discussed in our previous blog post on Alcohol and Drug Classes, the requirement that you attend a certain amount of alcohol and drug education and treatment programs is one potential consequence if you are convicted of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol (DUI) in the state of Colorado. A court can, or […]

No matter why a police officer initially pulls you over, he or she will take certain steps to investigate if he or she suspects that you have been drinking. While every case and situation is different, there are some common things that you can expect if a police officer suspects you of drunk driving. If […]

What is DUI Per se?

Most of us are aware of the fact that drunk driving is against the law and that people who are caught driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol (DUI) are subject to significant legal penalties. What “drunk”, “under the influence”, or “impaired” actually means is not as commonly understood. Colorado law has several different […]

Colorado Alcohol Treatment Programs

After an arrest for driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol (DUI), many people enter treatment programs either because of a court order or through their own volition. There are many treatment options available, both through private organizations and the Colorado Office of Behavioral Health. Some of the more treatment options commonly utilized by […]

A conviction for driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol (DUI) in Colorado can have result in a number of legal consequences, including the mandatory participation in DUI education and treatment programs. According to the Colorado Department of Human Services (DHS), about 25,000 people a year are referred to these kinds of programs. These […]

  Following a conviction for a drug or alcohol-related offense in Colorado, many individuals are sentenced to probation. While probation is often preferable to receiving a jail sentence, probation also comes with a number of very strict conditions and rules that you must obey in order to successfully complete your probation. One of these requirements […]

Can a DUI Ruin my Career?

We all know that convictions for DUI can have serious penalties imposed by the courts and an effect on your personal life. However, many people may not realize that a DUI conviction can have a significant effect on their careers, as well. While some convicted DUI offenders may experience no professional effects, for others a […]

In 2013, the United States Supreme Court struck a blow against the Fifth Amendment in the case of Salinas v. Texas. The opinion may be found here. In Salinas, police were investigating a double homicide and recovered several shotgun shell casings at the scene.  They then paid a visit to the defendant, whom they had […]

420 blaze it

Since Colorado legalized the recreational use of marijuana, much has been made of the potential dangers that drugged drivers can pose on the state’s roads and highways. As a result, law enforcement officer are trained to recognize the signs of intoxication caused by marijuana and other drugs. In fact, the Colorado Department of Transportation indicates […]

What is the GERD Defense in a Colorado DUI Case?

Law enforcement has a variety of investigative techniques at their disposal when attempting to determine whether a person is under the influence of drugs or alcohol. In many cases, these investigative techniques are actually used to gather evidence rather than make such a determination, as many law enforcement officers formed a belief that a particular […]

Colorado has some of the toughest laws regarding drinking and driving laws in the country. In addition to a“standard” driving under the influence (DUI) offense that generally involves driving with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08 or higher, Colorado also has the lesser offense of Driving While Ability Impaired (DWAI), which is often brought […]
