According to CBS Denver, the United States Drug Enforcement Administration (“US DEA”) recently made a decision to classify a substance called kratom as a Schedule I drug. Other Schedule I drugs include heroin, LSD, and ecstasy. Labeling the substances as an “imminent threat,” the US DEA released a notice of intent for this action that […]
Recently, the Colorado Department of Transportation partnered with BACtrack in an innovative study to determine the impact personal breathalyzers may have on an individual’s decision to drink and drive. The study distributed BACtrack’s Mobile breathalyzer to be used in conjunction with a recipient’s smartphone during the summer. The device works by taking a reading of […]
This article refers to an outdated bill; For more information on the Felony DUI bill which was signed by the governor on June 6th, 2017, and is in effect August 9th, 2017, please visit this page. Colorado’s felony DUI law took effect in August of 2015. Since then, data shows that judges have been […]
Facing a charge for driving under the influence can be a scary experience, especially for first-time offenders. Often, people charged with drunk driving charges are not significantly above the legal limit or history of prior driving under the influence charges. In such circumstances, it may be possible for the criminal defense attorney representing you in […]
The Colorado Department of Transportation has released statistics on driving under the influence of marijuana for 2015. Colorado law enforcement and the Colorado Department of Transportation often to refer to driving under the influence of drugs as “drugged driving.” According to the most recent information posted about drugged driving fatalities across the state, 787 drivers […]
For more information on the most recent Felony DUI bill which was passed and signed by the governor on June 6th, 2017, and is in effect August 9th, 2017, please visit this page. Colorado enacted a felony DUI law in 2015, which makes lifetime drunk driving convictions in excess of three a felony punishable by […]
Our friend Rich Harris contributed the following Guest Post. Visit The Harris Law Firm to learn more. Domestic relations lawyers are frequently confronted with this question, and the answer depends on a myriad of issues. Colorado family law matters involving children are ruled by “the best interests of the child” statute, and this means that […]
Current Colorado law requires anyone driving a vehicle within the state to submit to a breath or blood test if asked to do so by a law enforcement officer who has probable cause to believe a driver may be impaired to the slightest degree by drugs, alcohol or a combination of both. However, a new […]
In the wake of startling new statistics about drugged driving from the Colorado Department of Transportation (“CDOT”) provided to Denver’s ABC-7, a new campaign against drugged driving has taken hold. According to the report, CDOT has provided the following statistics: 55% of marijuana users admit driving high in 7 out of the last 30 days; […]
With the emerging trend of legalized medicinal and recreational marijuana use, traffic enforcement departments throughout the country have needed to adapt procedures to allow for testing to determine whether a person’s driving ability has been impaired by the use of marijuana. However, a new study commissioned by AAA’s safety foundation has found that the tests […]
In Colorado, sentencing guidelines generally dictate the penalty imposed for a criminal felony conviction. These guidelines are known as “presumptive sentence guidelines.” This means that a court will presume that commission of a crime should be punished by fine and/or imprisonment as determined by statute. In other words, a judge will not be able to […]
There are many different types of traffic offenses throughout the country, and Colorado is no exception. It is important to understand the different nuances of each type of offense, especially if you have been ticketed with one and are facing related charges. Often times, traffic laws are written to allow discretion in issuing tickets in […]