Colorado, like many other states, has various laws that prohibit people from driving after having consumed alcohol to the extent that their ability to operate a vehicle is impaired or affected. In many cases, these laws draw distinctions between offenses based on how intoxicated a driver was at the time of driving based upon their […]

During a traffic stop, if a law enforcement officer suspects that you have been drinking, he or she may request that you submit to a breath test to measure your blood alcohol content (BAC). Such tests are performed by using Breathalyzers, a portable device that measures the amount of alcohol in breath when an […]
In many investigations for DUI cases, law enforcement officers will take a blood sample from an arrestee in order to measure their blood alcohol content (BAC). While the results of the blood test are often offered by the Denver prosecution to prove your level of intoxication, there are many reasons why these results may not […]
Aggravating Factors in a DUI Every criminal offense set out by Colorado law also has corresponding maximum penalties that you may face if convicted of that offense. However, at time a particular sentence may exceed the usual maximum penalties for different reasons. One reason is that a prosecutor may argue that “aggravating factors” exist in […]
Wondering how the data shakes out on the recreational use of legal pot? See Full Report on Recreational Use of Marijuana – “Legal Pot” Read more about legal marijuana: Part 1: Colorado Recreational Marijuana Legalization: The First Two Years: >Statistics and Trends Take Time >Legalizing Recreational Marijuana: As Dangerous as a New iPhone? […]
The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) returned from its winter recess and announced its decision not to review a case appealed by Colorado prosecutors regarding warrantless blood tests in suspected DUI cases. This means that the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision in the case, Colorado v. Schaufele, will stand. History of the Case In […]
If you are convicted of driving under the influence (DUI) in Colorado, the consequences you face may be serious. In some cases, however, you may experience some consequences well before a conviction. If you are arrested on suspicion of DUI, you will be taken to jail and may have to obtain a bond in order […]
Most people should be aware that, when you are charged with driving under the influence (DUI) or another criminal offense, you have the option to plead “not guilty” or “guilty.” Though a defendant may originally enter a plea of not guilty, he or she may always change their minds during the criminal justice process and […]
The experienced Denver DUI attorneys at the Tiftickjian Law Firm handle many different DUI cases on a regular basis. Each case has its own unique circumstances and defenses, so there is no one approach or simple piece of advice we can give you on how to proceed until we evaluate your individual case. We will […]
In 1998, the Colorado legislature passed the Persistent Drunk Driver Act. Under the Act, repeat DUI offenders and DUI offenders with especially high blood alcohol content (BAC) are labeled as “persistent drunk drivers” and will face particularly harsh consequences for DUI convictions. In 2011, however, Colorado courts decided to provide these persistent drunk drivers with […]
Under Colorado law 16-3-103(1), in order to lawfully stop and detain a driver for questioning, every police officer must have reasonable suspicion that the driver was about to commit or had already committed a crime. Such a crime may be a minor traffic infraction, however there must be reasonable suspicion that some type of violation […]
Under Colorado law, the charge of driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol can result from operation of many different types of motor vehicles. Drivers may be arrested on suspicion of DUI whether they were driving a regular car, truck, or even a lawnmower. One type of vehicle that is often associated with DUI cases […]